
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 '''
00003 This module provides basic funcitons for the client_classes.py and start_client.py.
00005 Reading University
00006 MSc in Network Centered Computing
00007 a.weise - a.weise@reading.ac.uk - December 2005
00008 '''
00010 import ConfigParser, string, os, sys, termios
00012 def LoadConfig(file_name, config={}):
00013     """
00014     returns a dictionary with key's of the form
00015     <section>.<option> and the values
00017     source: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/65334
00018     """
00019     config = config.copy()
00020     cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
00021     cp.read(file_name)
00022     for sec in cp.sections():
00023         name = string.lower(sec)
00024         for opt in cp.options(sec):
00025             config[name + "." + string.lower(opt)] = string.strip(cp.get(sec, opt))
00026     return config
00028 def check_ip(ip):
00029     '''
00030     This function check if a given IP is valid.
00031     '''
00032     try:
00033         ip = ip.split(".")
00034     except AttributeError:
00035         return -1
00037     for i in range(len(ip)):
00038         check =  ip[i].find("0", 0, 1)
00039         if -1 != check and 1 < len(ip[i]):
00040             return -1
00041         try:
00042             ip[i] = int(ip[i])
00043         except ValueError:
00044             return -1
00045         if ip[i] >= 0 and ip[i] <= 255:
00046             pass
00047         else:
00048             return -1
00050     return 0
00052 def usage_exit(progname, msg=None):
00053     '''
00054     This function gives usage help and exits script.
00055     '''
00056     if msg:
00057         print msg
00058         print # lf cr
00059     print "usage: python %s [ -h|--help -c|--config -p|--smtp_passord -v|--verbose -d|--daemon] \n\n" % progname
00060     os._exit(-1)
00062 def get_password(msg):
00063     '''
00064     This function reads from stdin without echoing the input.
00066     source: http://gnu.kookel.org/ftp/www.python.org/doc/faq/library.html
00067     modified by a. weise December 2005
00068     '''
00069     fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
00070     # turn off stdin's echoing
00071     old = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
00072     new = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
00073     new[3] = new[3] & ~termios.ICANON & ~termios.ECHO
00074     new[6][termios.VMIN] = 1
00075     new[6][termios.VTIME] = 0
00076     termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, new)
00077     s = ''    # save the characters typed and add them together
00078     try:
00079         print
00080         print msg
00081         while 1:
00082             c = os.read(fd, 1)
00083             if c == "\n":
00084                 break
00085             s = s+c
00086     finally:
00087         # turn on stdin's echoing again
00088         termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, old)
00089         return s    

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