
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 '''
00003 This module contains all imports, defines and basic classes for start_client.py.
00005 Reading University
00006 MSc in Network Centered Computing
00007 a.weise - a.weise@reading.ac.uk - December 2005
00008 '''
00009 # misc
00010 import os, sys, signal, re, copy
00011 import string, time
00013 # database
00014 import sqlite
00016 #mail
00017 import smtplib, socket
00019 # xml parsing
00020 from xml.sax import make_parser
00021 from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler, feature_namespaces
00022 import xml.sax
00024 # connection issues
00025 from M2Crypto.m2xmlrpclib import Server, SSL_Transport
00026 from M2Crypto import SSL
00028 # threads
00029 import threading, thread
00031 ################## CLASS  MyContentHandler  ##################
00033 class MyContentHandler(ContentHandler):
00034     '''
00035     This class is derived from _xmlplus.sax.handler and provides individual functions for parsing the xml file.
00036     '''
00038     def __init__ (self, db_object, ip, ignore_error, mail_obj, verbose):
00039         '''
00040         Constructor
00041         '''
00042         self._verbose = verbose
00043         self._my_mail_ignore_error = ignore_error
00044         self._mail_obj = mail_obj
00045         self._ip = ip
00046         self._db = db_object
00047         self._db_access = self._db.get_access_cursor()
00048         self._searchTerm = ""
00049         self._date = ""
00050         self._date_flag = 0
00051         self._time = ""
00052         self._time_flag = 0
00053         self._error_number = 0
00054         self._error_number_flag = 0
00055         self._error_string = ""
00056         self._error_string_flag = 0
00057         self._linenumber = 0
00058         self._linenumber_flag = 0
00060     def set_ip(self, ip):
00061         '''
00062         The function sets the member variable _ip.
00063         '''
00064         self._ip = ip
00066     def startElement(self, tag, attr):
00067         '''
00068         The function overwrites the startElement function.
00069         '''
00070         self._searchTerm = tag
00072     def characters (self, tag_text):
00073         '''
00074         This function overwrites the character function to extract the tag content.
00075         '''
00076         if (self._searchTerm == "date"):
00077             self._date = tag_text
00078             self._date_flag = 1
00079         elif (self._searchTerm == "time"):
00080             self._time = tag_text
00081             self._time_flag = 1
00082         elif (self._searchTerm == "error_number"):
00083             self._error_number = tag_text
00084             self._error_number_flag = 1
00085         elif (self._searchTerm == "error_string"):
00086             self._error_string = tag_text
00087             self._error_string_flag = 1
00088         elif (self._searchTerm == "linenumber"):
00089             self._linenumber = tag_text
00090             self._linenumber_flag = 1
00092     def endElement(self, tag): 
00093         '''
00094         This function overwrites endElement function.
00095         '''
00096         if (self._searchTerm == "date"):
00097             pass
00098         elif (self._searchTerm == "time"):
00099             pass
00100         elif (self._searchTerm == "error_number"):
00101             pass
00102         elif (self._searchTerm == "error_string"):
00103             self._error_string = self._error_string.replace("\"", "")
00104         elif (self._searchTerm == "linenumber"):
00105             pass
00106         self._searchTerm = "" #reset variable
00108         if(self._date_flag == 1 and self._time_flag == 1 and self._error_number_flag == 1 and self._error_string_flag == 1 and self._linenumber_flag == 1):
00109             # save in database
00110             success = self._insert()
00111             if success == -1:
00112                 # raise exception to exit
00113                 print " raise exception"
00114                 assert success == 0
00116             # add mail content
00117             if (0 != len(self._mail_obj)):
00118                 for i in range(len(self._mail_obj)):
00119                     check = self._test_keywords(self._my_mail_ignore_error[i], len(self._my_mail_ignore_error[i])-1, self._error_string)
00120                     if (0 == check):
00121                         # print " add mail content"
00122                         cont = "\n--------------------------------------"\
00123                                "\ndate:\t\t\t"+self._date+ \
00124                                "\ntime:\t\t\t"+self._time+ \
00125                                "\nerror message:\t\t"+self._error_string+ \
00126                                "\nline number:\t\t"+self._linenumber
00127                         # add mail content
00128                         self._mail_obj[i][0].add(cont)
00129                         # modify error counter
00130                         self._mail_obj[i][0].count()
00131                         # set first date
00132                         temp = "%s (%s)" % (self._date, self._time)
00133                         if self._mail_obj[i][0].get_first_date() == '':
00134                             self._mail_obj[i][0].set_first_date(temp)
00135                         # set last date
00136                         self._mail_obj[i][0].set_last_date(temp)
00138             # reset variables
00139             self._reset()
00141     def _test_keywords(self, keywordlist, amount_of_keywords, teststring):
00142         '''
00143         This is a recursive function, which tests if a list of keywords is part of a string (AND relation). If all keywords found 0 is returned, otherwise -1
00145         keywordlist = list of all keywords
00146         amount_of_keywords = number of keywords in list
00147         teststring = string, which needs to be investigated
00149         return -1 if line is not interesting
00150         return 0 if line is taken
00151         '''
00152         if (amount_of_keywords == 0):
00153             #last keyword check   -1 != content.rfind("NOTICE")
00154             if( 2 == len(keywordlist[amount_of_keywords])):
00155                 if (-1 == teststring.rfind(keywordlist[amount_of_keywords][0])):
00156                     # not in string go to next keyword
00157                     return 0
00158                 else:
00159                     if( -1 == keywordlist[amount_of_keywords][1].rfind("!")):
00160                         # check for NO keyword
00161                         temp = keywordlist[amount_of_keywords][1].strip("!")
00162                         if ( -1 == teststring.rfind(temp)):
00163                             # go on to next keyword
00164                             return 0
00165                         else:
00166                             return -1
00167                     else:
00168                         # there is no "!"
00169                         if ( -1 != teststring.rfind(keywordlist[amount_of_keywords][1])):
00170                             # string is there, go on to next keyword
00171                             return 0
00172                         else:
00173                             return -1
00174             else:
00175                 if (-1 == teststring.rfind(keywordlist[amount_of_keywords][0])):
00176                     # not in string go to next keyword
00177                     return 0
00178                 else:
00179                     return -1
00180         else:
00181             if( 2 == len(keywordlist[amount_of_keywords])):
00182                 if (-1 == teststring.rfind(keywordlist[amount_of_keywords][0])):
00183                     # not in string go to next keyword
00184                     return self._test_keywords(keywordlist, amount_of_keywords-1, teststring)
00185                 else:
00186                     if( -1 == keywordlist[amount_of_keywords][1].rfind("!")):
00187                         # check for NO keyword
00188                         temp = keywordlist[amount_of_keywords][1].strip("!")
00189                         if ( -1 == teststring.rfind(temp)):
00190                             # go on to next keyword
00191                             return self._test_keywords(keywordlist, amount_of_keywords-1, teststring)
00192                         else:
00193                             return -1
00194                     else:
00195                         # there is no "!"
00196                         if ( -1 != teststring.rfind(keywordlist[amount_of_keywords][1])):
00197                             # string is there, go on to next keyword
00198                             return self._test_keywords(keywordlist, amount_of_keywords-1, teststring)
00199                         else:
00200                             return -1
00201             else:
00202                 if (-1 == teststring.rfind(keywordlist[amount_of_keywords][0])):
00203                     # not in string go to next keyword
00204                     return self._test_keywords(keywordlist, amount_of_keywords-1, teststring)
00205                 else:
00206                     return -1
00208     def _reset(self):
00209         '''
00210         This function resets member variables.
00211         '''
00212         self._date = ""
00213         self._date_flag = 0
00214         self._time = ""
00215         self._time_flag = 0
00216         self._error_number = 0
00217         self._error_number_flag = 0
00218         self._error_string = ""
00219         self._error_string_flag = 0
00220         self._linenumber = 0
00221         self._linenumber_flag = 0
00223     def _insert(self):
00224         '''
00225         This function inserts the data from the xml file into the database.
00226         '''
00227         # get first error number id !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00228         if ('-' == self._error_number):
00229             #if no error number
00230             self._error_number = 999999
00232         sql = ' SELECT * FROM error WHERE e_number = "%s" ' % self._error_number
00233         success, self._db_access = self._db.execute_sql(1200, self._db_access, sql)
00234         if success == -1:
00235             return -1
00236         data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00237         if ( 0 == len(data)):
00238             # error number not in database -> insert new error number into database
00239             sql = ' INSERT INTO error (e_number, e_name, e_description) VALUES ("%s", "not specified", "") ' % self._error_number
00240             data = self._db_access.execute(sql)
00241             sql = ' SELECT * FROM error WHERE e_number = "%s" ' % self._error_number
00242             success, self._db.execute_sql(1200, self._db_access, sql)
00243             if success == -1:
00244                 return -1
00245             data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00247         error_id = data[0]["e_id"]
00249         # check if dataset already there
00250         sql = 'SELECT * FROM messages WHERE error_e_id = "%s"'% error_id+ \
00251             ' AND m_date = "%s" '% self._date + \
00252             ' AND m_time = "%s" '% self._time + \
00253             ' AND m_error_string = "%s"' %( self._error_string)
00255         success, self._db.execute_sql(1200, self._db_access, sql)
00256         if success == -1:
00257             return -1
00258         data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00259         if (0 == len(data)):
00260             # if dataset is not in database insert it
00261             # 2. get host id
00262             sql = 'SELECT * FROM host WHERE h_ip_address = "%s";' % self._ip
00263             success, self._db.execute_sql(1200, self._db_access, sql)
00264             if success == -1:
00265                 return -1            
00266             data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00267             if (1 == len(data)):
00268                 ip = data[0]["h_id"]
00269             else:
00270                 ip = data[0]["h_id"]
00271             # insert data in database
00272             sql = 'INSERT INTO messages (host_h_id, error_e_id, m_date, m_time, m_error_string, m_line_number) VALUES (%s, %s, "%s", "%s", "%s", %s);' % (ip, error_id, self._date, self._time, self._error_string, self._linenumber)
00273             success, self._db.execute_sql(1200, self._db_access, sql)
00274             if success == -1:
00275                 return -1            
00276         else:
00277             pass
00279         return 0
00281 ################## CLASS  Mail  ##################
00283 class Mail:
00284     '''
00285     This class deals with the mail issues.
00286     '''
00288     def __init__(self, mail_address, smtp_server, smtp_pass, smtp_from, user, verbose):
00289         '''
00290         Constructor
00291         '''
00292         self._verbose = verbose
00293         self._mail_address = mail_address
00294         self._smtp_server = smtp_server
00295         self._smtp_pass = smtp_pass
00296         self._smtp_from = smtp_from
00297         self._smtp_user = user
00298         self._mail_name = "temp_email_unknown.txt"
00300         self._error_count = 0
00301         self._first_date = ''
00302         self._last_date = ''
00303         self._first_date_flag = 0
00307     def create_content(self, name):
00308         '''
00309         This function creates a temorary file, where the mail content gets saved temporarly.
00310         '''
00311         try:
00312             file_fd = open(name, 'w')
00313             self._mail_name = name
00314             file_fd.close()
00315             return 0
00316         except IOError, e:
00317             if self._verbose == 1:
00318                 print "%s -> Problem creating email content -> " % (time.ctime(), e)
00319             return -1
00321     def add(self, content):
00322         '''
00323         This function adds to the mail content.
00324         '''
00325         try:
00326             file_fd = file(self._mail_name, 'r+')
00327             file_fd.seek(0, 2) # cursor to end of file
00328             file_fd.writelines(content)
00329             file_fd.close()
00330             return 0
00331         except IOError, e:
00332             if self._verbose == 1:
00333                 print "%s -> Problem adding email content -> " % (time.ctime(), e)
00334             return -1
00336     def count(self):
00337         '''
00338         This function counts all inserted error within the mail by incrementing the member variable self._error_count.
00339         '''
00340         self._error_count += 1
00342     def set_first_date(self, value):
00343         '''
00344         This function modifies the memeber variable self._first_date.
00345         '''
00346         self._first_date = value
00348     def get_first_date(self):
00349         '''
00350         This function returns the content of the memeber variable self._first_date.
00351         '''
00352         return self._first_date
00354     def set_last_date(self, value):
00355         '''
00356         This function modifies the memeber variable self._last_date
00357         '''
00358         self._last_date = value
00360     def send_mail(self, receiver, server):
00361         '''
00362         This function sends the mail away.
00363         '''
00364         if self._verbose == 1:
00365             print "%s -> Try to send Mail, to -> \"%s\" ..." % (time.ctime(), receiver)
00367         # put together mail content
00368         subject = 'SRB LOG FILE PARSER NOTIFICATION - %s' % time.ctime(time.time())
00369         content = 'Hello,\n\nthis is an automatic generated mail from SRB LOG FILE PARSER [ Client ] ! Your are registered for recieving this notification for the SRB Server @ %s where between %s and %s -> %s interesting errors occured. \n\n---------------- error messages start ----------------\n\n' % (server, self._first_date, self._last_date, self._error_count)
00371         try:
00372             if self._error_count <= 5000:
00373                 file_fd = open(self._mail_name, 'r')
00374                 mail_error = file_fd.read()
00375                 file_fd.close()
00376             else:
00377                 mail_error = "!!!\n\nTo detailed error messages could not be supplied due to more than 5000 messages. Please check the database or the original SRB log file.\n\n!!!\n"
00379             if mail_error != "":
00380                 content += mail_error
00381                 content += '\n\n---------------- error messages end ----------------\n\nPlease do not respond to this mail!\n\n\nSRB LOG FILE PARSER [ CLIENT ]\n--\n[ powered by linux]'
00383                 timus = time.strftime("%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S")
00385                 text = 'From: '+self._smtp_from+'\n'
00386                 text += 'To: '+receiver+'\n'
00387                 text += 'Date: '+timus+'\n' 
00388                 text += 'Subject: '+subject+'\n'
00390                 text = text + content
00392                 # establish connection to smtp server
00393                 server = smtplib.SMTP(self._smtp_server)
00394                 server.login(self._smtp_user, self._smtp_pass)
00396                 #transmit
00397                 server.sendmail(self._smtp_from, receiver, text)
00398                 #done
00399                 if self._verbose == 1:
00400                     print "%s -> Mail sent to \"%s\" !" % (time.ctime(), receiver)
00401                 server.quit()
00402                 self._error_count = 0
00403                 return 0
00404             else:
00405                 if self._verbose == 1:
00406                     print "%s -> Nothing to send to \"%s\" !" % (time.ctime(), receiver)
00407                 self._error_count = 0
00408                 return-1
00409         except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, e:
00410             if self._verbose == 1:
00411                 print "%s -> Proplem with SMTP server authentication -> \"%s\" !" % (time.ctime(), e)
00412                 print "\n"
00413             self._error_count = 0
00414             return -1
00415         except socket.error, e:
00416             if self._verbose == 1:
00417                 print "%s -> Problem with SMTP server -> \"%s\" !" % (time.ctime(), e)
00418                 print "\n"
00419             self._error_count = 0
00420             return -1
00421         except:
00422             if self._verbose == 1:
00423                 print "%s -> Problem with sending mail to \"%s\" !" % (time.ctime(), receiver)
00424             self._error_count = 0    
00425             return -1
00427     def delete_content(self):
00428         '''
00429         This function deletes the temorary file with the mail content.
00430         '''
00431         try:
00432             os.remove(self._mail_name)
00433             if self._verbose == 1:
00434                 print "%s -> Deleted -> \"%s\"" % (time.ctime(),  self._mail_name)
00435             return 0
00436         except OSError, e:
00437             if self._verbose == 1:
00438                 print "%s -> Could not delete mail content file! -> \"%s\" -> %s" % (time.ctime(), self._mail_name, e)
00439             return -1
00441 ################## CLASS  MyDatabase  ##################        
00443 class MyDatabase:
00444     '''
00445     This class deals with all the database issues.
00446     '''
00448     def __init__(self, error_description_file, error_desciption_path, databasename, database_path, serverlist, project, verbose):
00449         '''
00450         constructor
00451         '''
00452         self._verbose = verbose
00453         error = "%s/%s" % (error_desciption_path, error_description_file)
00454         self._db_access = None
00455         self._database_path = database_path
00456         #check if path exists
00457         if(1 == os.path.exists(database_path)):
00458             if self._verbose == 1:
00459                 print "%s -> Database exists" % (time.ctime())# ---- debug ---
00460             os.chdir(database_path)
00461         else:
00462             #create wanted path
00463             if self._verbose == 1:
00464                 print "%s -> Create database " % time.ctime() # --- debug ---
00465             os.mkdir(database_path)
00466             os.chdir(database_path)
00468         if(0 == os.path.exists(databasename)):
00469             try:
00470                 # 1. create database
00471                 self._connect = sqlite.connect(databasename, autocommit = 1)
00473                 # 2. create access cursor
00474                 self._db_access = self._connect.cursor()
00476                 # 3. create tables
00478                 sql = "CREATE TABLE error(e_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, e_number INT(10) NOT NULL, e_name CHAR(200) NOT NULL, e_description CHAR(400) NULL);"
00479                 self._db_access.execute(sql)
00481                 sql = "CREATE TABLE host (h_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, h_ip_address CHAR(15) NOT NULL, h_hostname CHAR(30) NULL);"
00482                 self._db_access.execute(sql)
00484                 sql = "CREATE TABLE host_project (hp_h_id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, hp_p_id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL);"
00485                 self._db_access.execute(sql)
00487                 sql = "CREATE TABLE messages (m_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, m_date DATE NOT NULL, m_time TIME NOT NULL, m_error_string TEXT NOT NULL, m_line_number INT(7) NOT NULL, host_h_id INT(10) NOT NULL, error_e_id INT(10) NOT NULL);"
00488                 self._db_access.execute(sql)
00490                 sql = "CREATE TABLE project (p_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, p_name CHAR(100) NOT NULL);"
00491                 self._db_access.execute(sql)
00493                 # insert data if necessary
00494                 # insert error codes
00495                 error_file_fd = open(error, 'r')
00496                 content = error_file_fd.readline()             # get first line
00497                 x = 0
00498                 if self._verbose == 1:
00499                     print "%s -> Initialising database ...\n" % time.ctime()
00500                 z = 0
00501                 while(1):
00502                     if(content == "\n" or content == "\t"):
00503                         content = error_file_fd.readline
00504                     else:
00506                         content = content.lstrip("{")       # remove first "{"
00507                         content_list = content.split(",")   # divide into pieces
00508                         left = content_list[0].strip()      # remove whitespace
00509                         if (left == '0' or left == '1'):    # remove non error codes
00510                             content = error_file_fd.readline()
00511                         else:
00512                             if self._verbose == 1:
00513                                 x += 1
00514                                 # spinning line
00515                                 if (0 == x%2):
00516                                     if z == 0:
00517                                         sys.stdout.write("-\r")
00518                                         sys.stdout.flush()
00519                                         z = 1
00520                                     elif z == 1:
00521                                         sys.stdout.write("\\\r")
00522                                         sys.stdout.flush()
00523                                         z = 2
00524                                     elif z == 2:
00525                                         sys.stdout.write("|\r")
00526                                         sys.stdout.flush()
00527                                         z = 3
00528                                     elif z == 3:
00529                                         sys.stdout.write("/\r")
00530                                         sys.stdout.flush()
00531                                         z = 4
00532                                     elif z == 4:
00533                                         sys.stdout.write("-\r")
00534                                         sys.stdout.flush()
00535                                         z = 5
00536                                     elif z == 5:
00537                                         sys.stdout.write("\\\r")
00538                                         sys.stdout.flush()                                        
00539                                         z = 6
00540                                     elif z == 6:
00541                                         sys.stdout.write("|\r")
00542                                         sys.stdout.flush()
00543                                         z = 7
00544                                     elif z == 7:
00545                                         sys.stdout.write("/\r")
00546                                         sys.stdout.flush()
00547                                         z = 0
00548                             sys.stdout.flush
00549                             right = content_list[1].strip() # remove whitespace
00550                             sql = "INSERT INTO error (e_number, e_name) VALUES (%s, \"%s\");" % (left, right)
00551                             self._db_access.execute(sql)
00552                             content = error_file_fd.readline()
00553                             if(content == ''):
00554                                 break
00556                 error_file_fd.close()
00557                 sql = "INSERT INTO error (e_number, e_name, e_description) VALUES (%s, \"%s\", \"%s\");" % (999999, "unknown", "unknown error number")
00558                 self._db_access.execute(sql)
00560                 #insert project
00561                 sql = 'INSERT INTO project (p_name) VALUES ("%s")' % project
00562                 self._db_access.execute(sql)
00564                 for i in range(len(serverlist)):
00565                     # insert in host
00566                     sql = 'INSERT INTO host (h_ip_address) VALUES ("%s")' % serverlist[i][0]
00567                     self._db_access.execute(sql)
00568                     # get host id
00569                     sql = 'SELECT * FROM host WHERE h_ip_address = "%s"' % serverlist[i][0]
00570                     data = self._db_access.execute(sql)
00571                     data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00572                     host_id = data[0][0]
00573                     # get project id
00574                     sql = 'SELECT * FROM project WHERE p_name = "%s"' % project
00575                     data = self._db_access.execute(sql)
00576                     data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00577                     project_id = data[0][0]
00578                     # connect host and project
00579                     sql = 'INSERT INTO host_project (hp_h_id, hp_p_id) VALUES (%s, %s)' % (host_id, project_id)
00580                     data = self._db_access.execute(sql)
00582                 if self._verbose == 1:  
00583                     print "\n%s -> Database new created !" % time.ctime()
00584             except:
00585                 print "%s -> Problem creating database!" % time.ctime()
00586                 os.rmdir(self._database_path)
00587                 os._exit(-1)
00588         else:
00589             try:
00590                 #check if tables there
00591                 # 1. connect to  database
00592                 self._connect = sqlite.connect(databasename, autocommit=1)
00594                 # 2. create access cursor
00595                 self._db_access = self._connect.cursor()
00597                 # 3. check if table messages is still there
00598                 sql = "SELECT * FROM messages"
00599                 self._db_access.execute(sql)
00600                 data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00601                 if (0 == len(data)):
00602                     print "%s -> No data in table \"messages\" !" % (time.ctime())
00603                 else:
00604                     print "%s -> Database holds %s error messages !" % (time.ctime(), len(data))                    
00606                 # 4. check if table error is still there
00607                 sql = "SELECT * FROM error"
00608                 self._db_access.execute(sql)
00609                 data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00610                 if (0 == len(data)):
00611                     print "%s -> Database corruption detected: Missing data in table \"error\".\n\nIt's recommended to delete the database and initialise it again! It seems the original intialisation process was not completed.\n" % (time.ctime())
00612                 else:
00613                     print "%s -> Database holds %s defined error numbers !" % (time.ctime(), len(data))
00615                 # 5. check if table project is still there
00616                 sql = "SELECT * FROM host_project"
00617                 self._db_access.execute(sql)
00618                 data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00619                 if (0 == len(data)):
00620                     print "%s -> Database corruption detected: Missing connection between table \"host\" and \"project\".\n\nIt's recommended to delete the database and initialise it again! It seems the original intialisation process was not completed.\n" % (time.ctime())
00621                 else:
00622                     print "%s -> Database holds %s defined connections between table \"project\" and \"host\" !" % (time.ctime(), len(data))                    
00624                 # 6. check if table host_project is still there
00625                 sql = "SELECT * FROM project"
00626                 self._db_access.execute(sql)
00627                 data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00628                 if (0 == len(data)):
00629                     print "%s -> Database corruption detected: Missing project, insert new project \"%s\" into database!\n\nIt's recommended to delete the database and initialise it again! It seems the original intialisation process was not completed.\n" % (time.ctime(), project)
00630                     #insert project
00631                     sql = 'INSERT INTO project (p_name) VALUES ("%s")' % project
00632                     self._db_access.execute(sql)
00633                 else:
00634                     print "%s -> Database holds %s defined projects !" % (time.ctime(), len(data))  
00636                 # 7. check if table host is still there
00637                 sql = "SELECT * FROM host"
00638                 self._db_access.execute(sql)
00639                 data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00640                 if (0 == len(data)):
00641                     print "%s -> Database corruption detected: Missing data in table \"host\"\n\nIt's recommended to delete the database and initialise it again! It seems the original intialisation process was not completed.\n" % (time.ctime())
00642                 else:
00643                     print "%s -> Database holds %s defined hosts !" % (time.ctime(), len(data))                   
00645                 # check if the is a new host in the log file
00646                 for i in range(len(serverlist)):
00647                     #check if host is there
00648                     sql = 'SELECT * FROM host WHERE h_ip_address = "%s"' % serverlist[i][0]
00649                     self._db_access.execute(sql)
00650                     data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00651                     if (0 == len(data)):
00652                         if self._verbose == 1:
00653                             print "%s -> Insert new host \"%s\" into database !" % (time.ctime(), serverlist[i][0]) 
00654                         # insert in host
00655                         sql = 'INSERT INTO host (h_ip_address) VALUES ("%s")' % (serverlist[i][0]) 
00656                         self._db_access.execute(sql)
00657                         # get host id
00658                         sql = 'SELECT * FROM host WHERE h_ip_address = "%s"' % serverlist[i][0]
00659                         data = self._db_access.execute(sql)
00660                         data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00661                         host_id = data[0]["h_id"]
00662                         # get project id
00663                         sql = 'SELECT * FROM project WHERE p_name = "%s"' % project
00664                         data = self._db_access.execute(sql)
00665                         data = self._db_access.fetchall()
00666                         project_id = data[0][0]
00667                         # connect host and project
00668                         sql = 'INSERT INTO host_project (hp_h_id, hp_p_id) VALUES (%s, %s)' % (host_id, project_id)
00669                         data = self._db_access.execute(sql)
00670             except sqlite.DatabaseError, e:
00671                 print "%s -> %s" % (time.ctime(), e)
00672                 os._exit(-1)
00674     def execute_sql(self, wait, database_obj, sql):
00675         '''
00676         This function tries to get access to a database for "wait" seconds. Either the sql query gets executed or the if no acccess is possible the program exits.
00677         '''
00678         for i in range(0, wait):
00679             try:
00680                 database_obj.execute(sql)
00681                 return 0, database_obj
00682             except sqlite.OperationalError:
00683                 if self._verbose == 1:
00684                     if i%20 == 0:
00685                         text = "%s -> database temporary locked - keep trying for another %d seconds ...." % (time.ctime(), wait-i)
00686                         print text
00687                 time.sleep(1)
00688             except:
00689                 if self._verbose == 1:
00690                     print "%s -> database query execution error" % (time.ctime())
00692         return -1, database_obj
00694     def get_access_cursor(self):
00695         '''
00696         This function returns the database access cursor.
00697         '''
00698         return self._db_access
00700     def get_database_path(self):
00701         '''
00702         This function returns the database path
00703         '''
00704         return self._database_path
00706 ################## CLASS  ClientThread  ##################
00708 class ClientThread(threading.Thread):
00709     '''
00710     This class gets the information from the server and puts it into the database !
00711     '''
00712     def __init__(self, shared, db_object, address, port,  cl_cert, cl_cert_path, ca_cert, ca_cert_path, verbose, mail_address, mail_ignore_error, smtp_server, smtp_pass, smtp_from, user, interval, filelist):
00713         '''
00714         Constructor
00715         '''
00717         self._file_list = filelist
00718         self._interval = interval
00719         self._verbose = verbose
00720         self._share = shared
00721         self._address = address
00722         self._port = port
00723         self._db_access = db_object
00724         self._client_certificate = cl_cert
00725         self._client_certificate_path = cl_cert_path
00726         self._client_ca = ca_cert
00727         self._client_ca_path = ca_cert_path
00728         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
00729         # create XML-reader
00730         self._xml_file_parser = make_parser()
00731         # turn off namespace
00732         self._xml_file_parser.setFeature(feature_namespaces, 0)
00733         self._smtp_password = smtp_pass
00734         self._mail_obj = []
00736         if self._smtp_password != None:
00737             for i in range(len(mail_address)):
00738                 obj = Mail(mail_address[i], smtp_server, smtp_pass, smtp_from, user, verbose)
00739                 self._mail_obj.append((obj, mail_address[i]))
00741             for i in range(len(self._mail_obj)):
00742                 name = self._address+"-"+self._mail_obj[i][1]
00743                 self._mail_obj[i][0].create_content(name)
00745         # overwrite the default ContextHandler with my own
00746         self._my_handler = MyContentHandler(self._db_access, self._address, mail_ignore_error, self._mail_obj, self._verbose )
00747         self._xml_file_parser.setContentHandler(self._my_handler)
00749         self._stop_thread = False # variable to indecate thread termination
00751     def run(self):
00752         '''
00753         This functions overwrites the standard run method.
00754         '''
00755         filenames = []
00757         if ( (0 == len(self._file_list)) & (self._stop_thread == False)):
00758             # if no old xml files fetch your own xml file
00759             try:
00760                 if self._verbose == 1:
00761                     print "%s -> Client %d connecting to server %s" % (time.ctime(), thread.get_ident(), self._address)
00762                 try:
00763                     #if self._verbose == 1:
00764                     #    print "try to connect: ",self._address
00765                     connect = self._connect_to_server(self._address, self._port)
00766                     #if self._verbose == 1:
00767                     #    print "connected -> ", connect
00768                 except:
00769                     if self._verbose == 1:
00770                         print "%s -> Could not connect to host \"%s\"" % (time.ctime(), self._address)
00771                     if (self._smtp_password != None):
00772                         for g in range(len(self._mail_obj)):
00773                             self._mail_obj[g][0].delete_content()
00774                     self._stop_thread = True
00776                 if (self._stop_thread == False):
00777                     # get file names                
00778                     try:
00779                         if self._verbose == 1:
00780                             print "%s -> Get file names !!!" % time.ctime()
00781                         filenames = connect.get_file_list()
00782                         if ((-3 == filenames) & (self._stop_thread == False)):
00783                             # server is busy parsing
00784                             check = self._wait(connect)
00785                             if check == 0:
00786                                 filenames = connect.get_file_list()
00787                                 if (-3 == xml_content):
00788                                     # terminate thread
00789                                     self._stop_thread = True
00790                         if ((-2 == filenames) & (self._stop_thread == False)):
00791                             if self._verbose == 1:
00792                                 print "%s -> RPC calls disabled !" % time.ctime()
00793                                 self._stop_thread = True        
00794                         if ((filenames == 0) & (self._stop_thread == False)):
00795                             filenames = []
00796                         if self._verbose == 1:
00797                             print "%s -> %s files to fetch " % (time.ctime(), len(filenames))
00798                     except:
00799                         if self._verbose == 1:
00800                             print "%s -> Could not connect (check) to IP  \"%s\"" % (time.ctime(), self._address)
00801                         if (self._smtp_password != None):
00802                             for g in range(len(self._mail_obj)):
00803                                 self._mail_obj[g][0].delete_content()
00804                         self._stop_thread = True
00806                 if ( (0 < len(filenames)) & (self._stop_thread == False)):
00807                     # fetch files
00808                     for g in range(len(filenames)):
00809                         xml_content = connect.get_my_xml_file(filenames[g])
00810                         if ( -3 == xml_content ):
00811                             if self._verbose == 1:
00812                                 print "%s -> Parsing in progress ..." % time.ctime()
00813                             check = self._wait(connect)
00814                             if check == 0:
00815                                 xml_content = connect.get_my_xml_file(filenames[g])
00816                                 if (-3 == xml_content):
00817                                     # terminate thread
00818                                     self._stop_thread = True
00819                                     break
00820                         if ( -2 == xml_content ):
00821                             if self._verbose == 1:
00822                                 print "%s -> RPC calls disabled !" % time.ctime()
00823                             self._stop_thread = True
00824                             break
00825                         if (xml_content == "no file"):
00826                             # there is no new file available
00827                             if self._verbose == 1:
00828                                 print "%s -> No file available !!!" % time.ctime()
00829                             self._stop_thread = True
00830                             break
00832                         # name of temporary XML file
00833                         name = "%s_client_xml_file_%d.xml" % (self._address, g)
00834                         # lock critical section
00835                         self._share.lock()
00836                         try:
00837                             c = g
00838                             while(1):
00839                                 if(0 == os.path.exists(name)):
00840                                     # save xml file locally
00841                                     name = "%s_client_xml_file_%d.xml" % (self._address, c)
00842                                     file_fd = open(name, 'w')
00843                                     file_fd.write(xml_content)
00844                                     file_fd.close()
00845                                     self._file_list.append(name)
00846                                     break
00847                                 name = "%s_client_xml_file_%d.xml" % (self._address, c)
00848                                 c += 1
00849                         finally:
00850                             # unlock critical section
00851                             self._share.release()
00852             except SSL.SSLError, e:
00853                 if self._verbose == 1:
00854                     print "%s -> Connection error (server \"%s\"): %s !" % (time.ctime(), self._address, e)
00855                 self._stop_thread = True
00856             except:
00857                 if self._verbose == 1:
00858                     print "%s -> Error connecting to server -> \"%s\" !" % (time.ctime(), self._address)
00859                 self._stop_thread = True
00861         if ( (0 < len(self._file_list)) & (self._stop_thread == False)):
00862             # deal with own generated file list
00863             for g in range(len(self._file_list)):
00864                 name = self._file_list[g]
00865                 if self._address == None:
00866                     dbpath = "%s/"% self._db_access.get_database_path()
00867                     ad = re.sub(dbpath, "", self._file_list[g])
00868                     print ad
00869                     ad = re.sub('_client_xml_file_[0-9]+.xml', "", ad)
00870                     self._my_handler.set_ip(ad)
00871                 try:
00872                     file_fd = open(name, 'r')
00873                 except IOError, e:
00874                     print e
00875                     self._stop_thread = True
00876                     break # aborts for or while loop
00878                 # write in database
00879                 z = 0
00880                 while(1):
00881                     try:
00882                         if ((0 == self._share.set_variable(self)) & (self._stop_thread == False)):
00883                             try:
00884                                 self._xml_file_parser.parse(file_fd)
00885                             except xml.sax.SAXParseException,e :
00886                                 if self._verbose == 1:
00887                                     print "%s -> sax parser error: %s" % ( time.ctime(), e)
00889                             self._share.reset_variable()
00890                             if (None != self._smtp_password):
00891                                 # if mail is sendable
00892                                 for a in range(len(self._mail_obj)):
00893                                     self._mail_obj[a][0].send_mail(self._mail_obj[a][1], self._address)
00895                             file_fd.close()
00896                             os.remove(name)
00897                             if (self._smtp_password != None):
00898                                 for g in range(len(self._mail_obj)):
00899                                     self._mail_obj[g][0].delete_content()
00900                             break
00901                         else:
00902                             z += 1
00903                             if z == 10:
00904                                 if self._verbose == 1:
00905                                     print "%s -> can not access database --> terminating" % time.ctime()
00906                                 break
00908                     except AssertionError:
00909                         file_fd.close()
00910                         if self._verbose == 1:
00911                             print "%s -> can not access database -> terminating" % time.ctime()
00912                         if (self._smtp_password != None):
00913                             for g in range(len(self._mail_obj)):
00914                                 self._mail_obj[g][0].delete_content()                            
00915                         break
00917                     except:
00918                         file_fd.close()
00919                         if self._verbose == 1:
00920                             print "%s -> problem processing XML file -> terminating" % time.ctime()
00921                         if (self._smtp_password != None):
00922                             for g in range(len(self._mail_obj)):
00923                                 self._mail_obj[g][0].delete_content()                            
00924                         break                        
00926         else:
00927             if (self._smtp_password != None):
00928                 for g in range(len(self._mail_obj)):
00929                     self._mail_obj[g][0].delete_content()
00930         print "%s -> client_thread %s STIRBT nun !!!" % (time.ctime(),thread.get_ident())
00932     def _wait(self, connect_object):
00933         '''
00934         This function waits if the server is busy parsing the log file (busy waiting).
00935         '''
00936         counter = 0
00937         max_sleeping_time = 60 * self._interval
00938         sleeped = 0
00939         while(1):
00940             # check again
00941             check = connect_object.rpc_check_availabitity()
00942             if check == 0:
00943                 return 0
00944             counter += 1
00945             if (counter == 30):
00946                 if self._verbose == 1:
00947                     print "%s -> Server takes a long time to parse file -> thread terminating" % time.ctime()# --- debug ---
00948                 return -1
00949             # sleep for ten seconds and try again
00950             sleeped += 10
00951             if sleeped > max_sleeping_time:
00952                 return -1
00953             time.sleep(10)
00955     def _connect_to_server(self, server, port):
00956         '''
00957         This function establishes the connection to the server.
00958         '''
00959         serverus = server
00960         ctx = self.create_ctx()
00961         # connect to server via SSL using the created context
00962         urladdress = "https://%s:%d" % (serverus, port)
00963         server = Server(urladdress, SSL_Transport(ctx))
00964         # return server object
00965         return server
00967     def create_ctx(self):
00968         '''
00969         The function creates the necessary SSL context using certificates.
00970         '''
00971         ctx = SSL.Context(protocol='sslv3') # use SSLv3 only
00972         ctx.load_cert(self._client_certificate_path+"/"+self._client_certificate)         # load client certificate
00973         ctx.load_client_CA(self._client_ca_path+"/"+self._client_ca)        # load certificate authority private key
00974        # if self._verbose == 1:
00975            # ctx.set_info_callback()             # tell me what you're doing --- debug ----
00976         ctx.set_session_id_ctx('server')     # session name
00977         return ctx       
00979 ################## CLASS  WorkerThread  ##################
00981 class WorkerThread(threading.Thread):
00982     '''
00983     This class is responsible for starting the ClientThreads within a certain interval.
00984     '''
00986     def __init__(self, shared, db_object, interval, serverlist, cl_cert, cl_cert_path, ca_cert, ca_cert_path, verbose, mail_address, mail_ignore_error, smtp_server, smtp_pass, smtp_from, user):
00987         '''
00988         Constructor
00989         '''
00990         self._verbose = verbose
00991         self._share = shared
00992         self._db_access = db_object
00993         self._interval = interval
00994         self._serverlist = serverlist
00995         self._client_certificate = cl_cert
00996         self._client_certificate_path = cl_cert_path
00997         self._client_ca = ca_cert
00998         self._client_ca_path = ca_cert_path
00999         self._mail_address = mail_address
01000         self._mail_ignore_error = mail_ignore_error
01001         self._smtp_server = smtp_server
01002         self._smtp_pass = smtp_pass
01003         self._smtp_from = smtp_from
01004         self._smtp_user = user
01005         self._list = []
01006         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
01008     def run(self):
01009         '''
01010         This function overwrites the standard run method.
01011         '''
01013         temp_list = []
01015         while(1):
01016             # deal with not processed, but fetched XML files first
01017             #find files
01018             os.path.walk(self._db_access.get_database_path(), self._parse_directory, self._list)
01019             if (0 < len(self._list)):
01020                 temp_list = copy.deepcopy(self._list)
01021                 self._thread = ClientThread(self. _share, self._db_access, None, None, self._client_certificate, self._client_certificate_path, self._client_ca, self._client_ca_path, self._verbose, self._mail_address, self._mail_ignore_error, self._smtp_server, self._smtp_pass, self._smtp_from, self._smtp_user, self._interval, temp_list)
01022                 self._thread.start()
01023                 del self._list[:] # delete list content
01025             # then initiase new XML file fetching
01026             for i in range(len(self._serverlist)):
01027                 dummy_list = []
01028                 # start thread for fetching log file
01029                 self._thread = ClientThread(self. _share, self._db_access, self._serverlist[i][0], self._serverlist[i][1], self._client_certificate, self._client_certificate_path, self._client_ca, self._client_ca_path, self._verbose, self._mail_address, self._mail_ignore_error, self._smtp_server, self._smtp_pass, self._smtp_from, self._smtp_user, self._interval, dummy_list)
01030                 self._thread.start()
01032             if self._verbose == 1:
01033                 print "\n%s -> sleeping for %d minutes\n" % (time.ctime(), (self._interval))
01034             time.sleep(self._interval*60)
01037     def _parse_directory(self, arg, dirname, fnames):
01038         '''
01039         This function "walks" through a given directory and considers all srbLOG*.gz files. The name and last modified time are saved in a list (2 dimensional array). The function should be used with os.path.walk(path, function_name, arg)!
01040         '''
01041         d = os.getcwd()
01042         # change into log file directory
01043         try:
01044             os.chdir(dirname)
01045         except:
01046             print "could not find directory \"%s\"" % dirname
01047             return -1
01048         # for each file   
01049         for f in fnames:
01050             # check if file and if file is a log file e.g. srbLog.20051003.gz
01051             if (not os.path.isfile(f)) or (None == re.search('client_xml_file_[0-9]+.xml', f)):
01052                 continue
01053             else:
01054             # save filename into an arrray (list)
01055                 filus = dirname+"/"+f
01056                 self._list.append(filus)
01057         # change back into the working directory
01058         os.chdir(d)
01061 ################## CLASS  Mutex  ##################
01063 class Mutex:
01064     '''
01065     This class makes sure that only one client is writing into the database. This is necessary since sqlite is not trhead safe within a process! Futhermore is provide the possiblity to synchronise thread accessing critical sections.
01066     '''
01067     # database lock
01068     _db_locked = threading.Lock()
01069     # critical section lock
01070     _locked = threading.Lock()
01072     def __init__(self):
01073         '''
01074         Constructor
01075         '''
01076         self.writing = 0
01077         self._the_thread = 0
01079     def set_variable(self, threadus):
01080         '''
01081         set variable writing
01082         '''
01083         Mutex._db_locked.acquire()  # lock
01084         # if nobody is accessing the database
01085         if self.writing == 0:
01086             #set variable
01087             self.writing = 1
01088             self._the_thread = threadus
01089             Mutex._db_locked.release()
01090             return 0
01091         else:
01092             if (1 != self._the_thread.isAlive()):
01093                 # if the thread, which set the variable is dead, reset variable
01094                 self.writing = 0
01095             Mutex._db_locked.release()   # release lock
01096             return -1
01098     def reset_variable(self):
01099         '''
01100         reset variable writing
01101         '''
01102         Mutex._db_locked.acquire()  # lock
01103         self.writing = 0
01104         self._the_thread = 0
01105         Mutex._db_locked.release()
01107     def lock(self):
01108         '''
01109         This functions acquires the look.
01110         '''
01111         Mutex._locked.acquire()
01113     def release(self):
01114         '''
01115         This function releases the lock.
01116         '''
01117         Mutex._locked.release()

Generated on Sun Mar 5 15:54:49 2006 for Client by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO